Health and Performance Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Something Fishy Going On?

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Philip Calder, Timothy D. Mickleborough, Martin R. Lindley
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Health and Performance Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Something Fishy Going On? reviews the nutritional and biochemical aspects of Omega-3 fatty acids. The DVD also outlines the patterns of incorporation of omega-3s into the human body and their effects on overall health. In addition, the DVD explains how consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids can aid in physical performance and discusses their relevance in sports medicine. Furthermore, the DVD points out omega-3 fatty acids and details how they impact respiratory health when it comes to exercise. In that regard, the DVD looks at fish oil as a protective supplement in improving lung function in asthmatics. Finally, the DVD addresses how omega-3 fatty acids optimize physical performance and cognitive function in athletes.

Among the topics covered: 

• Nutritional and biochemical aspects of omega-3 fatty acids (Philip Calder) 
• Patterns of incorporation of marine omega-3 into human blood, cell, and tissue points 
• Mechanisms of action 
• Summary 
• Omega-3 fatty acids, immunity and inflammation: relevant to sports medicine? (Philip Calder) 
• Immunity 
• Inflammation 
• Omega-3 fatty acids and the lung 
• Protective effect of fish oil supplementation for asthmatics 
• Omega-3 fatty acid and performance optimization: reviewing the evidence (Timothy D. Mickleborough) 
• Omega-3 fatty acids and exercising animals: relevance to human exercise performance 
• Omega-3 fatty acids and exercise metabolism 
• Omega-3 fatty acids and cognitive function in athletes